Building Workforce Solutions, L3C

A Social Enterprise supporting the construction Industry with innovative talent development solutions

Engage & Inform

Design messaging campaigns, practice telling the story the about the greatness of the industry, then engage the entire community and share the person at a time.

Engage & Inform

Design messaging campaigns, practice telling the story the about the greatness of the industry, then engage the entire community and share the person at a time.

Assess & Train

Determine desire, commitment, and willingness to learn - then train how to be part of building our structure at a time

Assess & Train

Determine desire, commitment, and willingness to learn - then train how to be part of building our structure at a time

Place & Retain

Invest in the future of our collective workforce by hiring, supporting, and continuing to train in an effort to retain the strongest workforce employee at a time

Place & Retain

Invest in the future of our collective workforce by hiring, supporting, and continuing to train in an effort to retain the strongest workforce employee at a time

Together, a solution to the construction industry labor shortage is in reach

We are working with some of the leaders in our industry to bring innovative solutions to a complex problem

The Time is Now

We can longer kick this problem down the proverbial road and hope it will magically fix itself. Be a part of the solution!

Qualified Team

Our team of construction industry professionals and education experts collaborate with Industry, Government, Education and Philanthropic Foundations to deploy worforce solutions to benifit ALL poeple

Why a Social Enterprise?

Building Workforce Solutions, L3C is a social enterprise under the L3C legal structure.  An L3C is a form of LLC – sometimes referred to as a low-profit limited liability company – that combines the best features of an LLC with the social conscience of a non-profit. We elected to operate as a social enterprise vs a traditional non-profit to always keep sustainability in the forefront of all of our business operations.  Building Workforce Solutions was formed in Vermont (home of the first L3C legislation) and registered to do business in each state we have operations. 

What We Do?

TEACH Construction

TEACH Construction is our Initiative to create, collect, and distribute Educational Resources to support trades training in High Schools, Colleges, and Employer Training programs

Software Solutions

We are deploying several software solutions to support workforce development. A skills based hiring platform, Digital credentialing system, and an APP to support apprentice programs

Consulting & Program Deployment

Nobody can do it alone - it takes experience and a talented team to design and deploy innovative workforce solutions that the 21st century demands.